

  1. 増野 いづみ(D3)



  2. 大平 格(D2)


    8/28-10/2の日程でバイロイト大学バイエルン地球科学研究所(BGI)へ出張しました。川添貴章博士の指導の下、マルチアンビルプレス高温高圧発生装置を用い、地球内部の水素循環を理解するうえで重要な含水鉱物の合成を試みました。合成した鉱物についてはTiziana Boffa Ballaran博士、石井貴之博士の協力の下、単結晶X線回折測定により構造を決定しました。また、Catherine McCammon博士の指導の下、メスバウア分光測定を行い、合成鉱物の鉄の2価・3価比を算出しました。今後は合成した含水鉱物を高温高圧実験の出発試料として用い、含水鉱物が地球深部マントルの水素循環プロセスへ及ぼす影響を評価していきたいと考えています。

  3. 前田 郁也(D1)



  4. 佐藤 勇輝(D2)



  5. Fumiya Maeda

    February 9 ~ February 28, 2017

    I had stayed at BGI from February 9 to February 28 in order to synthesize a sample and participate in DMG short course. The synthesis was conducted with Dr. Kawazoe using multianvil high-pressure apparatus. We synthesized iron-bearing bridgmanite (Mg,Fe)SiO3 at high pressure and high temperature. The synthesized sample will be analyzed at Tohoku University and be used in future high-pressure experiments. DMG short course was held at BGI during February 20–24. We took lectures and practices of various experimental and analytical methods in Earth science at the short course. It was a good opportunity to understand the experimental principles and to consider the applicability of our study.

  6. Liang Yuan

    February 19 – February 27, 2017

    I went to BGI to participate a short course which was focused on high-pressure and high-temperature experimental techniques. It was a five-day short course and over 30 members from all over the world got the training. Various topics from theories to experiments were given through the short course. Among them, I felt very interested in the multianvil techniques, diamond anvil cell techniques, and also the theoretically computational methods. We practiced hand in hand with the lecturers and they gave us lots of practical skills. In my opinion, the short course was tailored for the person who wants to conduct high-pressure research.